Pre-Retirement Education Programs

The Pre-Retirement Education Programs premise is simple. Participants nearing retirement age have a need for information about the impending change in their status. Satisfying that need can develop goodwill — and that goodwill can translate into multiple benefits like lower communication costs for plan sponsors while providing IRA rollover and individual managed account opportunities for plan providers.

These printed communications may be customized to reflect your brand. You can select from our library of existing topics or define your own. Our Smart Hub campaign manager does the rest by facilitating distribution right to your participant’s homes.

  • Personalized – Timeline to Retirement

  • Personalized – Don’t Let Health Care Costs Derail Your Retirement

    Don’t Let Health Care Costs Derail Your Retirement Sample PDF
  • Personalized – Pre-retirement Checklist

    Pre-retirement Checklist Sample PDF
  • Personalized – Time for an Investment Checkup

    Time for an Investment Checkup Sample PDF
  • Personalized – Making the Most of Your Retirement Plan Distribution

    Making the Most of Your Retirement Plan Distribution Sample PDF
  • Personalized – Making Retirement Assets Last a Lifetime

    Making Retirement Assets Last a Lifetime Sample PDF