College Planner

Determine whether you are on track saving for college and, if not, how much you should invest each year to reach your savings goal.

529 Plan State Tax

Find out if your state offers a state tax deduction for 529 plan contributions and how much you may be able to save.

529 Savings Plan

Estimate how much you'll need to save for your child's education and how much a 529 plan may save you in federal taxes.


Estate Tax

Calculates the expected taxes due on an estate.

Life Insurance

Calculate how much life insurance you may need based on your current financial situation.


Disability Income

See how becoming disabled could affect your finances.


After-Tax Return

View the historical after-tax rate of return for different asset classes, based on an individual's tax rate.

Annuity Accumulation and Payout

Calculates the value at retirement of an annuity and the annual payment that can be expected over a 20-year period.

Asset Allocation Analyzer

What can you expect from your current asset allocation? Can it be improved upon? This calculator uses a Monte Carlo simulation with historical returns to project the return you are most likely to achieve with your current allocation. You can also choose a second allocation to see how changes might affect your chances of hitting your target return.

Asset Allocation Profiler

Creates a simple profile of an investor and suggests an asset allocation.

Borrowing From a 401(k)

Thinking of taking a loan from your 401(k) plan? Before you do, you should check out the true costs of such a loan with this calculator.

Cash Distribution

Calculates the effects of taking a cash distribution from a retirement plan.

Choosing Your Annual Withdrawal Rate

Calculates the annual withdrawal rate needed to cover expenses in retirement.

Cost of Waiting

Calculate how much more you'd need to contribute each year to reach your retirement goal if you put off saving for retirement.

Current vs. Target Asset Allocation

Shows how the current asset allocation can be modified to be in line with targets.

Dividend Tax

Demonstrates the tax advantages of investing in dividend-paying stocks.

Dollar Cost Averaging

Demonstrates the effects of dollar cost averaging.

Early Payout

Thinking of taking an early payout from your employer-sponsored retirement savings plan? You may want to think twice — it could cost you a lot of money, both now and in lost savings down the road.

Eligibility Analyzer

Determine whether you or your spouse can contribute to an IRA and, if so, what your contribution limits would be.

Find the Money to Invest

Where can you find the money to put away? This calculator will show the powerful benefits of making small changes in your spending habits.

401(k) Contribution

You want to save for retirement and take advantage of your employer's match in your 401(k) plan, but you aren't sure you can afford to. You may be surprised to see how contributing to your 401(k) will increase your income without taking a big bite out of your paycheck.

401(k) Rollover

See how different distribution options will affect your retirement plan assets when you change jobs.

403(b) Planner

Calculates a range of possible annual withdrawals in retirement based on the user's inputs.

Income Planner

How much income can you expect in retirement? This calculator will help you estimate how much you can afford to spend each year, based on how long you want your savings to last.

Longevity Analyzer

How long can you expect your retirement savings to last? This calculator uses a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the likelihood of your savings lasting as long as you need.

Projected Retirement Expense

Calculates expected retirement expenses based on inflation rates in individual categories.

Projected Retirement Income

Calculates the amount of income you can expect during retirement.

Projected Taxes on Investment Income

Calculate the expected after-tax return for a portfolio based on the types of investments you own.

Retirement Plan Distribution Planner

Calculates the effects of withdrawing the assets from a tax-deferred retirement plan.

Retirement Planner

Determine whether you are on track saving for retirement, and if not, how much you should invest each year to reach your savings goal.

Required Minimum Distribution

Calculate the amount of mandatory withdrawals from IRAs after age 72.

Roth 401(k)

Which type of 401(k) plan is right for you — a traditional or a Roth 401(k)?

Roth IRA Conversion Analyzer

Determine whether converting your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA would be expected to provide you with more after-tax income in retirement.

Social Security Income

How much can you expect to receive in Social Security when you retire? This calculator will help you estimate your Social Security benefits.

Taxable-Equivalent Yield

Calculates the taxable equivalent of a series of yields based on the user's tax rates.

Traditional vs. Roth IRA Analyzer

Determine which type of IRA would provide you with the most expected after-tax income in retirement.


Business Loan Repayment

This calculator can help give you an idea of just how long it will take to pay down your loan.

Cost of Debt

What is the true cost of an installment loan? This calculator will help you estimate your payments and total overall cost.

Debt-to-Income Ratio Calculator

Evaluate your current debt level to determine how much you can responsibly afford to borrow.


Demonstrates the effects of inflation on purchasing power.

Inflation-Adjusted Returns

Calculates the expected inflation-adjusted savings level.

Personal Inflation Rate

Calculates an expected inflation rate for an individual based on that person's spending.

Personal Net Worth

Find out how much you are worth with this simple net worth calculator.


Estimates the payoff from refinancing a mortgage.

Time Value

Calculate the value of compound returns for different time periods and rates of return to understand the value of long-term savings.